We are delighted to share wonderful news close to Christmas Eve! On December 16, 2022, two of our ESRs, Matteo Zecchin and Davit Gogolashvili have successfully defended their PhD theses....
Machine Learning for Wireless Communications
Apart from doing research, the Project’s main objective is to help create a new generation of experts. We organise training schools where experts from the fields of machine learning and wireless communications share their knowledge with out Early Stage Researchers.
Where would science be if it weren’t for sharing information? The WindMill Project understands that sharing is caring, so we established the Knowledge Sharing Platform so that our Early Stage Researchers can share their findings and experiences with the world.
An important part of a PhD student’s life is to publish one’s findings and share it with the community of researchers. The WindMill Project offers a library of all papers and other documents published by our participants. You can access them here.
The WindMill Project would be nothing without its Early Stage Researchers. Fifteen of them are currently employed across the partner institutions, receiving practical experience and contributing to the scientific community.
Apart from doing research, the Project’s main objective is to help create a new generation of experts. We organise training schools where experts from the fields of machine learning and wireless communications share their knowledge with out Early Stage Researchers.
Knowledge Sharing Platform
Where would science be if it weren’t for sharing information? The WindMill Project understands that sharing is caring, so we established the Knowledge Sharing Platform so that our Early Stage Researchers can share their findings and experiences with the world.
Learn more about research projects that our ESRs have been working on in this short pitch series.
What would research be if nobody could see the results? We think the answer is nothing. That’s why we share links and abstracts of all the papers published by our participants.
The WindMill Project would be nothing without its Early Stage Researchers. Fifteen of them are currently employed across the partner institutions, receiving practical experience and contributing to the scientific community.
WindMill is a European Training Network project within the framework of the H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks.
News from the network
More publications available
We are excited to share five new research papers from one of our ESRs, Parham Kazemi. All of the new publications are already available in our publications section!
Three new publications are now available
Summer is rapidly approaching, and that means that it’s time to share the scientific projects that ESRs from project Windmill have been tirelessly working on. All of the new publications...
#ResearchPitch by Dariush Salami
Our ESR Dariush Salami is ready to share insights into his research project – Radar-based Gesture Recognition. Supervisor: Stephan Sigg, Aalto University. You can also find more publications and deliverables on our dissemination...
Successful defense of PhD theses by Matteo Zecchin and Davit Gogolashvili!
We are delighted to share wonderful news close to Christmas Eve! On December 16, 2022, two of our ESRs, Matteo Zecchin and Davit Gogolashvili have successfully defended their PhD theses....
More publications available
We are excited to share five new research papers from one of our ESRs, Parham Kazemi. All of the new publications are already available in our publications section!
Three new publications are now available
Summer is rapidly approaching, and that means that it’s time to share the scientific projects that ESRs from project Windmill have been tirelessly working on. All of the new publications...
#ResearchPitch by Dariush Salami
Our ESR Dariush Salami is ready to share insights into his research project – Radar-based Gesture Recognition. Supervisor: Stephan Sigg, Aalto University. You can also find more publications and deliverables on our dissemination...

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 813999.